I am his granddaughter

My name is Arcelia Perez Sarabia and my grandfather was JoseLuis Perez. It's been almost 7 years since he's passed and I am still brought to tears thinking of him. Not tears of sadness per say but because of how much I love him and am thankful for relationship we had. He taught me so much about life through example. My grandfather had fourteen children and to be honest I don't know the exact number of cousins I have. He was a busy man keeping up with his work in his pastoral ministry and with family but I was blessed to have one on one time with him. Those conversations I will forever cherish and often our conversations where about photography. He loved photography and photographed for a living. He admired my passion for it and encouraged me conversation we had together. He was kind, patient, loving, unconditional and made my heart joyful every time I saw him. My intention isn't to make anyone sad including myself but to share where my love of photography started. My grandfather and father both had Canon SLR cameras all through out my childhood and that is why I love shooting my Canon DSLR. Photography is one of the things that brings me joy and has helped me cope with life and finding beauty where I am physically and emotionally. I admire many photographers some I know by name others I will never know their names but admired their work all the same. My favorite subjects to photograph are families and seeing how their faces display how they make each other feel. You see it when a son looks up into his mother’s eyes or when a father sees his daughter’s smile. I just love it and feel connected to my grandfather in my love of photography.

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Is a backyard session for you?

Short answer Yes!

I don’t see any negatives in scheduling a photo session at home. It would be us hanging out in your space which is probably the most comfortable place for you and your family. This would limit distractions for your littles and if your partner or any teenagers aren’t really thrilled about taking photos home is near by and once we are done they can go back to life as per usual.

I love a challenge and finding beauty in any space. I can pretty much go into any back yard or front yard for that matter and find a spot that will work.

What are your thoughts? Is it something you have considered?


My Models, My Children

Being a photographer you would think I have the most photogenic children in the world. WRONG! My kids automatically change their smiles and laughter into sassy eye rolling when I reach for my camera. I tell you this not to complain about my children but to let you know I know the struggle and the struggle is REAL. Do not stress my friends I am a patient person and have more patience for other children than my own… funny or not funny but it’s true. I patiently move past the eye rolling and sass and still manage to capture images of my children that melt my heart. Moms and Dads don’t despair I get it! I enjoy spending time with your families and in the process get some images that will make your heart smile.

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